Ki and Ka is a fun watchable film that raises important questions without getting pedantic or preachy. While we women are ready to reach for the stars..are we ready to let men take the backseat ? Even those among us that would be OK with it, are we willing to not let society's opinions bother us..and eventually when roles do get reversed..isn't there the risk of perceiving the stay at home partner as a free rider..irrespective of gender..and finally when certain 'roles' in a marriage are assumed - 'the star' and the so-called silent do spouses react when that equilibrium is questioned and the supporting partner starts getting limelight in their own right. In addition to raising important gender role questions, the movie -by shining light on all the work a perfect house-husband does - ultimately also sensitises us to the 'artistry' of the oft-neglected stay at home wife. Just a couple of small quibbles..the first half was a bit slow..and the infinite product placements throughout the movie irritated me a bit. Kareena excels in her role as the go getter corporate climber..Arjun Kapoor is adequate as he reprises a role similar in tone to his two states character..Swaroop Sampat seen after such a long time is a delight to watch. The music, given that it is Illayaraja, could have been better, but it wasn't bad..overall an enjoyable fare.
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