Thursday, December 1, 2016

TenTinyTales : Story 7

Meenakshi waited for Mahesh, fuming. He was late again. She paced around, impatiently, waiting for him to return. Didn't he know, how she looked forward to his return ? And yet, he always took her for granted. Today, she would ignore him, she decided. Ought to teach him a lesson!

She heard the door knob turn. He was back! She closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. 

He came in to the room and whispered "Meenu,I'm home". Her anger forgotten, she galloped to him and started licking him all over his face. He cuddled her and ran his hands through her mane. All was well with her world again. 

#NotSoTinyTale #Story3

Anecdote : My cousin had named her cat Meenakshi Sundaram. I always loved how quirky that name was, hence used that here.

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