Saturday, June 18, 2016

Udta Panjab : Film Review

There have already been a bunch of Udta Punjab here is one more. Udta Punjab is an extremely intense film..almost too much so. A movie so serious and gory should have its length curtailed to an appropriate length..Udta Punjab was about 30 minutes too long. While the topic - the drug problem - is a relevant one...its treatment was not without cliche's..a cocaine snorting musician, a politician-cop-drug dealer nexus, a bad cop-turned good, a do gooder doc on a mission to save the world..the only character who was truly refreshing was Alia Bhat's. The director abhishek choubey also seems deeply influenced by the Quentin Tarantino style of story telling : lots of swear words and a focus on gore. Overall worth a watch, just to get a sense of the extent of the drug problem in Punjab and to get blown away by Alia Bhat's performance. If you are seeking to be entertained though, go watch Angry Birds instead.

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