Sunday, March 17, 2019

Anniversary 2019

Today is just another ordinary Sunday Ajit Venkataraman. You have woken up before me, made breakfast for all of us and rushed off to drop our daughter to her game. The rest of this ordinary Sunday we will spend like the hundreds of Sundays before this one - cooking up a delicious, but ordinary meal, maybe buy the veggies , take a regular routine weekend nap in the afternoon and if we feel like it, catch a movie, or catch up with friends or go for long walk where we will talk to each other non-stop. It was on another ordinary Sunday 17 years ago that we took the not so ordinary leap into the unknown when we went around the sacred fire saying our vows to each other, to be together through joy and through tears, to be partners and parents. There have been hundreds of ordinary Sundays since , and ordinary Mondays and Thursdays and Wednesday’s and Saturdays and all the other days , days filled with ordinary , matter of fact love - coffee or hot lemon water served in bed, hugs many times a day, holding hands while driving, or seeing a movie, or sleeping, of calling in a few times a day just to say hello, of bad PJs that make me roll my eyes, but break into a smile, partnering in the mundane tasks of buying vegetables, or teaching our child math or cleaning after our pup, or caring for family. And while we have those fun exciting vacations or parties once in the odd while, it is these ordinary days filled with dozens of tiny special moments that have made every day with you extraordinary. Happy 17th dear husband. May we be lucky to spend decades filled with millions of moments of ordinary, matter of fact love.

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